Mark Patton went to Kentucky with the Mennonite Disaster Service in January. The tornado killed over 90 people in the Dec10-2021.  This is a story of dramatic climatic change.  This tornado exceeded 200 miles thru Mayfield Kentucky.  The tornado was an EF$ with 155-200 MPH winds. It destroyed very substantial structure as homes, churches, courthouse and many others. Dawson Springm KY population 2430, 13 killed. Mayfield population 10,073.  24 people killed at the Candle Factory. 
The phases that people will go through:  Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. 
Mark showed many very sad pictures.  All of us should feel very lucky that we have our homes, health and not this horrible devastation. 
President Liz called the meeting to order at 7:05 am.  Kirsha Kapoor an Interact student talked about the Iowa MOST benefit concert April 4th at the Coralville Performing Arts at 6:30 pm.  Tickets are $12.00 and can be purchased on the Iowa Most Website.
We will go Live and Hybrid on April 5, 2022.  The board approved the PM satellite club We have three new members in their 20's.
Deb and Kris Ockenfels went to Des Moines and purchased 117 pair of shoes and 1,000 pairs of socks 404 pairs of shoes less than $15.  There is still $900 to purchase more shoes.
She is checking with the Alternative school, DVIP and Theresa Burns mentioned United Action for Youth. 
The first Can Do sorting will be Saturday March 5 from 9-11 am.  There are 25 slots to fill. 
Deb Dunkhase was awarded two awards.  One of them being the honorable Jefferson Award. 
The board has approved members that have joined less than a year can have 1/2 of the District Conference paid for. Liz is sending $100 to support Rotaract students attending District Conference.   Liz Challenged other members to help support the Rotareract club members. 
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 AM.