Taylor Wertheim introduced Viktor Soloivov and Olga Dubney speakers talking about the Ukraine view of the War. Viktor has a B. A. National Academy Affairs, PhD in National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.  Viktor has more than 12 years of progressive experience in Civil service as well as three years as state coordinator of NATO Building Integrity program in security and defense sector.  
He spoke about the devastation and genocide continually happing in Ukraine.
President Liz called the meeting to order at 7:05 am.  Rotary Club of Jefferson 100th Anniversary.  Tree Planting April 16, Scott Park all clubs invited. DEI-2nd session will be held Thursday April 14 at Oaknoll East. 7:00 pm.  The Final one will be Thursday April 28.  We still need a program chair for June and all of next year. Jack Cameron is looking for Sergeant of Arms for District Conference.  There will be an "Opportunity Fund Meeting" on Tuesday April 19 right after the meeting.  
Chris Knapp spoke on the Foundation Dinner. PDG David Forward is the speaker.  He will also be the speaker Saturday morning.  Lunch speaker will be ER RN Rachel Fischer, Human Trafficking Survivor speaking on Human Trafficking.   Saturday will be Dr. Todd (Bow Tie) Jenkins.  He will speak on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. 

There being no more business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 am.