Light Up Rotary!

Presidential Opening

President Patton called the meeting to order at 7:05 AM. 

Chris Knapp led us in song and August birthday recognition.

Sergeant-at-Arms Report

Guests and Visiting Rotarians: Ken Nobel, Carolyn Wanet, Allie Howarth, Daniel Smith, Neve Heimer-Lang, Karen Heimer, Lisa Lach


President Patton inducted Jean Knepper as a new member.  No Rotarians were in the news this week.  Where in the world is Slovenia?  Connie Pestonick presented on Slovenia, formerly a part of Yugoslavia in south central Europe.  Nancy Pachua introduced Daniel Smith and Neve Heimer-Lang who were sponsored by the Iowa City AM Rotary and attended the international World Affairs Seminar in Wisconsin.  They shared what they learned and their favorite parts.  President Patton read an update from Dean Carrington who is recovering from a biking accident.  Roger Christiansen reported that a dishwasher volunteer is needed for next week.  13 Past Presidents were recognized by President Patton for their service and presented each with their Past President pin.  Each shared a 10 second reflection on their leadership experience.

Happy Bucks:

Many Rotarians were happy today! Celebrations were birthdays, anniversaries, grandchildren, relatives visiting, family vacations and updates, State Fair news, and thanks for good health and electricity. 


Deb Dunkase introduced our speaker Allie Howarth, Director of Events, from the Iowa City/Coralville Visitors Bureau.  She distributed handouts and posters for Fryfest in the Iowa River Landing in Coralville on August 29.  She highlighted the Fryfest events and tradeshow featured this year. All 84 Herky statues will be on display as well.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 AM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Ann Langenfeld