Vernette Knapp introduced Amiritha Kumar, President of the Roteract Club of Iowa City. Amiritha grew up in Fairfield and attend Interact there. She is a senior at the University of Iowa studying Medical Anthropology with a pre-med tract. Amiritha showed slides of the Executive team. She talked about the goals of the club. The main goal is to increase membership. Jasimine Sanashinh, past president of Roteract is working on increasing membership of the club. Some of the student involvement includes fairs, pop ice, and working at Open Heartland on service projects with the PM Satellite Club. The Roteract Club has had speakers: Jim Peterson speaking on Xiocepetec, Professor Brett Johnosn speaking on journalism, and Amanda McFadden speaking on International Students affairs. The Rotaract Club of Iowa City sponsored a bus stop in Xiocetepec. The raised money for this project and "Girls for the Greater Good" award them a scholarship of $1,000.
Amiritha, Jasmine and Allie will leave Saturday March 9, 2024 for their mission with Xiocetepec.
Amiritha has gone to RYLA and she says that RYLA transforms people in many ways.
Chirs Knapp presented Amiritaha with a 4-way test coin and a breakfast invitation.
President Theresa called the meeting to order at 7:05 am.
Guests today included: District Governor Dennis Grager and Heidi, hosted by Nancy Pacha and Margy Winkler
PDG and Foundation Chair Steve Dakin and Lesley, hosted by Mark Stanely, Club Foundation Chair and Lori
AG Mark Ruggeberg, Amirtha Kumar, hosted by Vernette Knapp/
Online AG Gretchen Nollman
Rotarians in the News: PDG. John Ockenfels had a two-page article in the Cedar Rapids Gazette for the "Flight to End Polio."
Mark Stanley, Club Foundation Chair, talked about the grants for the seven areas of focus. The were a total of 1,092 grants for 68.3 million dollars.
Mark discussed the Clubs goals: The Annual Fund goal is $16,000 at this time we have raised $7,725 which is 48% of the total goal.
Polis Plus goas is: $12,000 at this time we have $129,054. A large contribution made by PDG John Ockenfels and Deb. A Hugh "Thank You" To John and Deb.
John said that they had sold the business and had set up a Trust Account for Rotary Donations.
DG Dennis Drager presented President Theresa Burns with The Rotary International Polio Certificate. Only 22 clubs of the 67 clubs received this goal.
DG Dennis Drager and PDG and Foundation Chair Steve Drager talked about the Rotary Foundation and the good that the members contributions do good in the world and in the district.
DG Dennis Drager asked members Chris and Vernette Knapp to come to the front of the room. DG Drager and PDG Foundation Chair presented Chris and Vernette Major Donar Level Three. The pendant and pins were given to Chris and Vernette
DG Drager asked that the club members to stand and congratulate Chris and Vernette on their contribution to the Rotary Foundation. Drager and Dakin stressed that all members consider giving to the Rotary Foundation.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 am.
District Governor