Eric Nurnburg, Deputy Fire Chief, introduced the speaker Matt Farrey, Fireman Iowa City Fire Department. Matt spoke on "The Fired-up About Reading Program. This program is a Literacy, mentoring, and guidance program. The Fire Department looked at the schools that have free and reduced lunch program. The goal is for the students to be able to identify the fireman and be able to read more.
Rotarian Eric Nurnburg, Deputy Fire Chief and Fire Fighter Matt Farrey
President Seaba called the meeting to order at 7:05 am. She had a slide showing a Fireman and a Fire Truck. She had a moment of silence about Sept. 11, 2001. The slide showed the statistics for that day. 2,996 people died from 19 Terrorists. World Trade Center 2,753 died including 343 Firefighters, 23 NYC Police Officers, and 37 Port Authority.
Pentagon 189 people died. Flight 44 people.
Three people in the news. Elaine Shalla about her Meachum Travel business, Alta Medea Peters, DVIP 40th Anniversary, Tom Novak's daughter.
Deb Galbraith 8th year member.
Paco Juan Francisco Fernandez) from Guatemala our liaison for Iowa Most is visiting for a few days. He spoke on the water sanitation program working with pre-natal and other water statistics.
President Seaba presented Rotarian Alta Medea-Peters and Elias Ortez, DVIP, with the District Grant for $5,000. The club had already paid their $5,000. The money is being used for speakers for the first day of the DVIP Conference being held April29 & 30th, 2020, at the Marriott Hotel. The first day speakers will be talking on Human Trafficking.
PDG Chris Knapp about the upcoming Foundation Dinners. November 1, 2019 will be the dinner in Davenport and November 2, 2019 will be in Des Moines.
The speaker will be Mary Beth Growney-Salene former Rotary Trustee and Rotary Foundation Trustee. Chris announced these dinners are not just for donors already but for everyone. He encouraged everyone to consider attending.
Speaker Matt Farrey talked on how The Fire up About Reading Program begins.
Identify a school, adapt the program, intro and handouts, incentives and events, Firefighters Day. Some of the schools selected are: Alexander, Grant, Wood, Twain, Longfellow, Lucas. The students sign a contract stating that they will read 20 minutes a day. They complete a reading log . A selection of students of top readers are for Fireman for the day. They are given a tour of the Firehouse, get to use the hose, and get in the truck. They also have all you can eat Pizza. All students in the program receive T shirts and prizes.
There have been 18 Grades, 42 classes, and 942 students.
All agreed that this is a wonderful program.