Pam Ehly, Program Coordinator for December, introduced Marty Lenss, CID Airport Director. The CID airport is represented by a 5-member commission and has 4 core lines of business—Air Service (80%), Cargo, General/Corporate Aviation, and Property Development. There have been forty closures in the last year of carriers existing smaller markets, including Delta exiting Peoria, but CID has 5 airlines, which continue to invest in its market, and overall seats are up 11%. They just announced non-stop service to Sarasota and it is important we continue to use the airport. Phase 3 of the terminal modernization was completed with an outdoor patio, a Java House kiosk opened, and there is a mural highlighting the Iowa wave. Phase 4 is the last phase--the phases were designed so they could stop after each phase. Phase 4 has an eighteen-month design process then they will decide about more construction. They see more growth in air cargo, they are the 68th largest cargo carrier in the country (Des Moines is #91). General Corporate Aviation is working with Kirkwood on an aviation maintenance technician program to address many job openings, including internships. Iowa employers have a 7% disadvantage (compared to states with sales tax exemptions) because they pay sales tax on “parts, equipment, and materials installed on aircraft.” Iowa needs 1) the right work force and 2) a sales tax exemption for better economic development and so companies don’t move aviation maintenance work to states with a sales tax exemption. CID considers land use and works on sustainability initiatives. CID launched, a 501(c)(3) to improve water quality. In response to a question from John Ockenfels, Marty said CID’s $21 million operating budget revenues include ticket sales, parking fees, rental cars, etc. and that if you have never flown, you haven’t paid for CID. President Liz Nichols, Pam and the members thanked Marty. Brian Adamec asked about cargo security. Marty replied that TSA does baggage screening, and on international flights, you must be on the plane before your baggage goes on the plane.
Past President Amy Nicholson called the meeting to order at 7:05 a.m. Jack spoke about the Christmas Wrapping Fundraiser at the Coral Ridge Mall on December 24 from 8:00 to 6 p.m. There is a link to volunteer in the Monday message. You are not required to be a member to sign up, and Roteract and Interact students are welcome. Amy stated there is a new can do trailer design, which will cost $3,000 less than it was supposed to. John Ockenfels stated it is expected to be done by mid-January; however, that may be optimistic. Nancy Pacha stated World Affairs Seminar interviews were held at the three high schools and lots of good candidates will be going. Mark Patton asked if Rotary was helping with the damage caused by the tornados in Kentucky. The contact is the District Disaster Relief team chair, Troy Thompson, Boone, Greg Probst reported that they have accepted two outbound students, will be bringing in inbound students, and a committee is working on a new program in Spain, including 5 districts from the U.S. and 2 from Spain. In response to a poll, Karin Franklin announced the 23-24 president is Theresa Burns and the two directors are Eric Nurnberg and Greg Probst. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 a.m.