Ann Romanowski introduced Ann Browning, Principal of Tate High School.  Ann talked about Tate High School MTTSS/PBIS Supports Plan.   The Mission is to maximize every student academic potential and personal well-being through personalized educational experience.  The four areas that are covered:  Academics, Attendance, Behavior, and Mental Health.    There are three tiers to each category.  The Mascot for the school is Tate Warrior.  The name came about as the students said that they are Warriors every day to survive.  If a student is having an issue, they usually attend The Student Advisory Center.  The students are asked to give their cell phones to the teachers.     
Tate High School is able to accommodate 10-12 students in each category. 
To support the food pantry that the school offers, there are fundraisers throughout the year.  Last year our club contributed $3,000.00.
The school has an IEP Individual Education Plan for each student.
President Theresa called the meeting to order at 7:05 am. Meals will be provided on Wednesdays for Peggy Doerge.  RLI is Saturday April 13th in Boone.  Grant workday will be Saturday April 27, 2024 at Open Heartland from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.  
There being no other business, meeting adjourned at 8:00 am.