Speaker Jeff Mobley spoke via Zoom about riding his bike across the country over a two-year period for the purpose of recruiting volunteers to drive cancer patients to their appointments for treatment. Volunteers can have a flexible schedule. He encouraged screening for cancer and believes in creating hope for the world (Create Hope in the World was last year's Rotary theme). His website is chemoriders.org. He is on Strava and Facebook and can be followed there. He encourages those who can to volunteer for the American Cancer Society's Road to Recovery program to help cancer patients by driving them to their appointments for treatment. Volunteers for driving are always needed and there are other opportunities to volunteer as well..
President Vernette Knapp opened the meeting at 7:05 a.m. and introduced and welcomed new member Yiyang Shen. Chris Knapp reminded members to pay dues. Nancy Pacha stated that members who wish to make a tax deductible contribution to RYLA or World Affairs camps for youth can write a check to the Health Education Fund, which is a 501(c)(3) not for profit fund, and include RYLA and/or World Affairs in the memo line. Ann Romanoski reminded members of the Anniversary Party at the Kirkwood Room on Wednesday, 9/11, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.[It was a lovely party with wonderful food!] There is can sorting on Saturday 9/14 (see the sign up genius) and a fireside chat at the Knapps on 9/19. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 a.m.