Vernette Knapp Updates Club Members on the 2024-25 IC AM Budget
President Vernette thanked Amanda McFadden for creating Signup-Genius forms for our 35th Anniversary Event on Sept 11, 5:30-7 pm at the Kirkwood Room, and also for online sign-up forms for the next Can Sorting event. Get yourself signed up!
Andreas Soemadi was in the news as a featured artist at the Charles City Art-A-Fest 2024. Andreas has been donating proceeds from sale of his greeting cards to the club's HEF account for youth activities. Jenny Seylar has been making her homemade wine available for donations to HEF for RYLA/WAS. See Jenny if you would like to donate in exchange for a bottle of her wine. Deb Ockenfels is winding up the purchase of food at the Kalona auction this Friday from funds that went into HEF for the Food Fight. A total of Food Fight proceeds for CommUnity Foodbank will be tallied shortly after the goods from Friday's sale are taken to the Foodbank. The question came up of what is "HEF?" This is the 501(c)(3) set up by District 6000 for local charitable projects and stands for "Humanitarian and Educational Fund." Clubs can designate that funds go to certain projects such as RYLA and World Affairs, Youth Exchange, Xicotepec scholarships, tree planing, Food Fight and numerous others. Generally there is a designated club member in charge of expenditures for each project, and a managing board for HEF. AM Rotary's own, Phil Peterson, is the HEF Treasurer. This is one way members can make tax deductible contributions of their RMDs, for example.
President Vernette covered the details of the 2024-25 IC AM Budget. The details will be posted in the documents section of the Clubrunner site and will be available there for members.