Andreas Soemadi presented about Aspects of Mathematics in the Virtual Arts and displayed examples of his artwork and greeting cards.
ICAM member, Andreas Soemadi, was the speaker at the August 13th meeting.  He also agreed to make a donation to RYLA and Youth Exchange programs for sales of his greeting cards.  Jenny Seylar also announced that she would donate to RYLA/WAS for donations toward her homemade Malbec vintage.
Ann Romanowski announced that the Club's 35th Anniversary celebration will be held from 5:30-7pm at the Kirkwood Room on Wednesday, September 11.  There will be heavy hors d'oevres served that should substitute for dinner for most people.  A signup sheet will be passed around in the coming weeks.
Andreas noted that when one draws continuously without lifting a pen or pencil from paper the result is a representation of a continuous mathematical function.  He likened making a drawing to mathematical specifications to the way research is conducted going from a simple investigation, to increasing layers of difficulty.  One of Andreas' motivations for working on mathematical models for art is partly because the International Day of Mathematics (IDM) on March 14, 2025 (PI Day) will be celebrating creativity found in mathematics and art.
Andreas went into some detail about ratios that have significance in art.  Two that were specifically mentioned were the Golden Ratio, thought to be a rule of proportionality used by the great artist, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Fibonaci Sequence, which will ultimately create a ratio at or approaching 1.618.  Andreas displayed some of his drawings that are based on these mathematical ratios and indicated that he is now also trying to use these principals to draw in 3D.