Past President Eric Weiler of the Rotary Club of Iowa City Noon introduced Dr. Christie Fisher, President of Kirkwood Regional Center at The University of Iowa. Dr. Fisher wished Peggy Doerge well as she is on the Board of Trustees for Kirkwood Community College. The mission is to ensures access to quality education, training, and lifelong learning with clear educational pathways and provide opportunities to succeed. Our vision: to be the community college in regional, national, and global education. The are working enrollment. It has had a steady decline over the past 10 years. They have now partnered with the University of Iowa. By closing the Iowa City Campus, Kirkwood is saving $100,00 per year. The parking lot is being enlarged. A number of programs will now be able to be offered: Motorcycle training and School Bus training. Kirkwood partners with Johnson County Childcare, Iowa Work Force, College of they have programs at Oaknoll dealing with OT AND PT.
In the spring there will be a Home Repair course at the Johnson County Regional Center.
President Theresa called the meeting to order at 7:10 am. Peggy Doerge will be home late Friday night. Keep her in your prayers. Mark Patton flew down and drove Peggy's car back to Iowa City. Mark Patton said there are several programs left of the year. Some in May and all of June.
Allie Boge, Jasmine Sanasinh, and Amriha Kumar are all going to Xioceptec on March 11th. They ask for donations for a Bus Stop that is very much needed in Xiocetpec.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 am.