Mark Patton, Program Coordinator for October, introduced Mary Mascher and Karin Franklin member of our Club.   Mary is in the 86th District of the House of Representatives. 
Karin and Mary will speak on Beyond Pallaitive ;  The option of Medical Aid in Dying. She talked about the need to talk about the quality of the end of life. Pallaitive care lessens the pain and suffering, some people choose to stop eating and drinking. Medical Aid in Dying gives the person the choice how and when to end their life with self medication prescribed by a doctor. There are only a few states that Medical Aid in Dying is legal:  Oregon, 1994, Washington, Montana, Vermont, California 2015 , Colorado, Hawaii, New Jersey, Washington D. C. and New Mexico 2021.  Mary Mascher said that this procedure requires medical action.  She said people must be educated.  This is a family affair and everyone needs to talk to their families.   She said that the House of Representatives has been trying for at least 10 years to get this procedure through the legislature.  Senator Bolkam has been working in the Senate for the same legislation.   P. E. Jenny Seylar said that both Mercy and U of I has a program "Honor you Wishes".  
President Liz called the meeting to order at 7:05 am.  Past President Amy presented the By-Laws for a motion and approval.  There were 39 members present making a quorum.  The motion was  made by Karin Franklin and seconded by Jack Cameron to accept the By-Laws as written.   Board Meeting October 21, 2021.  Tree planting October 23, 2021.  RLI, October 30, 2021.  Deb Ockenfels has put an on-line payment system for Warm soles if people whose check was lost wish to use this site rather then another check.  Deb O. is also having sewing sessions to make dresses out of pillow cases for people in Haiti.  She will have another sewing session.  
Meeting adjourned 8:05.