Taylor Wertheim, program coordinator for November introduced Casey Cook to perform "What Jazzes You Up?".  The member show-cased today was Joan Nobiling.  Joan is from upstate New York.  She was and educator with an emphasis on Mental Health.  Joan moved to Iowa City four years ago. Joan has a master's degree in mental health.  Joan said after being ill, she learned that you must endorse yourself and enjoy yourself.  She lives at Oaknoll and is very glad to be a Rotarian. 
President Liz called the meeting to order at 7:05 am. The joint luncheon will be held virtually on Dec. 2, 2021. Vernette Knapp announced that the Bike Ride for Polio had raised $1,958.00.  Deb Dunkhase said that there are 209 Open Heartland families.  They have all been adopted for Christmas.  Cash donations and 4,000 cookies are needed.  Members interested in baking cookies should bring them to open Heartland on December 18, 2021.  They should be packaged 2 dozen per plate.  
Deb Ockenfels said that the individual that was in charge of the Haiti pillowcase dresses will be at the Holiday Gathering December 11, 2021. 
John Ockenfels said that we still need a District Governor candidate.
Nancy Pacha and Pam Ehly will help organize the Interact students for gift wrapping.   Jack Cameron said that his son will be in charge of the event. 
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 am