Deb Galbraith, Program Coordinator for May introduced the speaker  Dr. Dianne Atkins.  Dr. Atkins topic was CPR/AED Training and Awareness-Program, Rotary-Kerber  Heartsafe Community  Campaign, a project of the Rotary Club of Iowa City.  Dr. Atkins explained the difference between Cardiac Arrest and Heart Attack. Her presentation today will concentrate on Cardiac Arrest.  For More information:  Website:
President Seaba called the Zoom meeting to order at 7:06 am. 
Announcements:  President Seaba  presented to the club The Certificate to End Polio 18-19 year.  100% Annual Giving
Deb Dunkhase talked about the Supporting Open Heartland.  There have been donations to provided 235 Bags of Food and 275 Books and Toys.  Deb said that 200 spray bottles were needed to fill with hand sanitizer.  If you have any bottles , text Deb at 319-321-5528.
There were many happy bucks:   Tom Novak married Kim Spading.  Kim is a pharmacist at the University of Iowa.  The celebration will be held May 29, 2021.
John Ockenfels reported that the Ride to End Polio has been rescheduled to April 21, 2021.  Next year will begin the donations from our club and John will still match those fund along with what was raised this year.
Deb Ockenfels is still making masks. 
Dr. Atkins explained that Cardiac Arrest is a sudden cessation of heart activity.  There is no blood pumping to the brain.  A Cardiac  Arrest can happen any time, any age, sex .  It is an electrical problem .  The person will collapse,
be unresponsive, not breathing.
A Heart Attack is a pumping problem.  Patient may be conscious, able to talk, chest, arm or joint pain, shortness of breath.
70% of Cardiac arrest occur at home. Every minute without CPR affects 5 min, EMS 7-8 minutes
The Chain of Command :  Requirement and activate Emergency System
Immediate high quality CPR, rapid defibrillation, EMS, Advance Life Support.  If this chain is in tact the survival rate if 60%. 
If is recommended to do Hands Only CPR-chest compressions blood is most important. 
There are many Automated External Defibrillators around the city and University the AED is the label  to identify the equipment. 
There is FEAR: You cannot hurt the person.  Don't do something there person will die, Do something , broken ribs will heal. 
The Rotary Club of Iowa City received a District 6000 Community Grant to Raise Awareness of CPR and Defibrillators To the Community.  There 15 trained instructors ( 3 teams of 5) to provide free training to churches, service clubs.  The training has interrupted by Covid 19.  Once it is safe to train the teams will be ready
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 am.