Deb Galbraith, May Program Chair, introduced Dr Nicolosi, speaker for today. He is a graduate of the U of I Dental School.  He is an artist, film maker, coming to us from Chicago.  He worked with celebrities for the 50th Anniversary of To Kill a Mockingbird.
Iowa Dental Alum Takes a Bite Out of Hollywood.  During Covid 19, Dr. Nicolosi developed "Celebrity Talk Line".  He has a documentary focusing on Getting Through Hardships, and focusing on Goals.  He is working on filming Batman and Robin, interviewing Ed Asner,  He is also an artist.  For more information go to
President Seaba called the meeting to order 7:05 am.  Rotarian's in the news:  Dave Parson played in the Alumni Band at the U of I  Hospital Parking Ramp. 
PDG John Ockenfels mother passed away on Saturday.  She was 89 and the mother of 12 children.  The Drive By visitation will be held Saturday at St. Patrick's  parking lot.
Deb talked about Elizabeth Bernao  being honored with an Ovation Award on Wednesday May 27th at 5:30 pm.
Dr. Nicolosi showed many of his paintings that he had done.  The Golden Girls, John Wayne, Dr. Van Alan, Helen, Keller, The Marina Towers were made to look like Ears of Corn,
Governor Vilsack, Kurk Ferentz, Grant Wood, Ashton Kutcher, and Dan Gable.
There were many questions for Dr. Nicolosi.
President Seaba adjourned the meeting at 8:05.