President Jenny called the meeting to order at 7:05 am.  Prior to the meeting several members labeled dictionaries. The members delivering. dictionaries:  Phil Peterson, Mark Patton,
Peggy Doerge, Joan Garity, Sue Cronin, Pam Ehly, Joan Nobling, Chris Knapp, Vernette Knapp.
The meeting today was to brainstorm on what we could do for a District Grant.  President Elect Theresa Burns talked about some changes to the process this year for completing a grant.  The entire process for District Grants will be done on Club Runner.  Goals must be entered in My Rotary on R. I. site. She talked about the point grading system. She also had a list of this current year's community grants.   Several members talked about previous grants.  Hazel-Human Trafficking Bill Boards:  Alta said there is still a board up by Mt. Plesant.
Amy:  13 Buddy Benches Elementary Schools.  Deb:  Talked about The Coat Project, last year was the Shoe Project, Pam: Talk about Family Sanction Room at the Childrens Museum.
Everyone talked about grants at their tables.  The ideas will be shared next week. 
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 am.