President Seaba called the meeting to order 7:00 am. 
Theresa Burns introduced The speaker today: Jen Loeb.  Adventures-Everest Climb
Jen climbed Mt. Everest in 2016.  She is the only woman from Iowa to succeed in climbing Mt. Everest.
     Rotarian Theresa Burns (left) and speaker Jen Loeb (right)
Rotarian's in the News:  Brian Adamec had an article from 2010 that Dave Parson's had written about Christmas.  To Buy local, enjoy and decorate.
Calvin Medea did a sun glass promotion at school for Iowa Most.  He collected 73 pairs of glasses.
Member Anniversaries:  Philip Jordan 4 years, Dec. 17, Jack Cameron 18 years Dec. 18, Eric Nurnberg Dec. 20 . 1yr. and Dec. 21 Gerianne Schaefer 2 years.
Gift wrap Dec. 24th Coral Ridge Mall, no meeting.
Cabin Fever Team Trivia Jan. 10th.
Paul Harris Recognitions: Roger Christian, Ann Langenfeld, Thomas Novak, Kris Ockenfels, and Hazel Seaba.
Speaker Jen Loeb continued her story about climbing Mt. Everest.  She talked about  the importance of
getting enough sleep, eating right, and getting used to the altitude. She explained that the journey could take approximately six weeks to complete the climb. The climb is done slowly stopping at the different camps to rest and get used to the altitude. Once the climb has begun, you need to continue.  It is very serious and you are using oxygen and you need not run out.
When you are finished you rest a day and then You Celebrate.
Jen maintains a Facebook site:  Jen Loeb