RYLA and World Affairs Seminar participants were speakers on August 9.
Visiting Rotarians and Guests
Jill Olsen-- Marion and Cedar Rapids RCs
Tomeka Peterson-- West Liberty RC
Sara Sedlacek-- IC Noon RC
Kasey Baller-- World Affairs attendee
Kelsey and Connie Baller-- RYLA participant and parent
Hieu Nguyen-- RYLA participant
Hannah Boer-- RYLA participant
Ethan Seylar-- RYLA participant
Molly Liu-- World Affairs participant
Cathy Skoue-- Guest
Esme Rummelhart-- World Affairs participant
John and Kristen Rummelhart-- parents
Michael Moonjely-- World Affairs participant
Allie Biscupski-- RYLA participant
Jenny and Dale Seylar-- parents
Zhu Liu-- parent
Kris Ockenfels and Sara Sedlacek from the Crisis Center announced that IC AM came in first in the Food Fight with an average of 151 lbs of food donated during July.  Altogether the clubs donated almost 18000 lbs of food, almost twice the initial goal!
Amy Nicholson announced that she is maintaining the events calendar at the ICAMRotary.org website and would like members to let her know when events and activities should be posted.
Deb Dunkhase indicated that August 12 is Rotary Day at the State Fair.
Next Tuesday there will be a Fundraising Committee meeting after the regular meeting.
Val Martin invited everyone to sign up to attend a French dinner fundraiser at her home and to bring friends and prospective Rotarians.  The cost will be $25 per person. BYOB.
Jim Peterson reported that Xicotepec was among the Mexican communities hit hard by the hurricane late last week.  Many homes were destroyed in mudslides and several people were killed.  To help financially send funds to District 6000 HEF, or wait a week or two while we organize a club donation.
Deb Ockenfels announced that many volunteers came out to cut scarves for IA MOST patients last Friday.
Among those who contributed happy bucks were Dick Huber, Deb Ockenfels, Joan Garrity, Brian Adamec, Mark Patton, Casey Cook and Roger Peterson.
Ethan Seylar described in detail the secret recipe to "RYLA Magic," the activities that make the greatest impacts on individuals and teams and how the participants are permanently affected by the experience.  Michael Moonjely followed with describing some of the highlights of the World Affairs Seminar on the topic of water quality at Carroll College in Wisconsin.  Of greatest value were the team capstone projects and the opportunities to make friends from around the world.
All participants shared their observations on the people and experiences that made their week special and what they took away that they would like to implement at home.