A.M. Rotary  April 16, 2013


President Pam Ehly opened the meeting by reviewing the District Conference.


Nan Mercier spoke on recognitions at District Conference:  Vernette Knapp District Governor (non-Rotarian Spouse) for the many hours donated to youth work, she was awarded the Youth Service award.    Pat Schnack was recognized for receiving Paul Hellwege Guardians of  Integrity   Award.  John Ockenfels recognized our club as the “damn best club” and Chris Knapp was recognized for his dedication to the youth exchange work.  The Trustees of the Foundation recognized Jim Peterson for work for the Foundation worldwide (only 150 given worldwide each year).  Congratulations to all.


Tom Novak and Dave Parsons were recognized as Rotarians in the News.


Lots of Happy Bucks: we have lots to be thankful for.


Nenu introduced the five member Chilean team visiting our district.  President Pam handed each a banner from our club to take home.   John introduced his Chilean members.  He is the CEO of a English school there.  Javiera (from Rotary Penalolen) spoke about her club’s activities including Horsetherary, Milk Bank, and a mentally disabled home.  She is a English teacher.  David Gonzalez is from Santiago; there are five million people in Santiago (17 million in the entire country).  He is also a teacher (works in two different schools).    Cecilia’s father and brother are miners.  She is an elementary teacher of English in a school with social problems from many Latin American countries.  She works with many Peruvian families who are living in poverty in Chile.  She is from Huelen Rotary Club area (not a member).  The Club tries to provide a solar panel for each class.     Luis lives about an hour from Santiago in Meliplla; he is a lawyer.  They do not have juries, but have three judges instead.  Lots of agriculture there.  He is also the attorney for a neighboring city.  He is a member of the Melipilla Club.  


They finished the presentation by singing the Chilean Rotary anthem. 


Casey stepped in for Pam to thank the group and tell them of the book which will go to a local elementary school.