AM Rotary Favorite Books


My Beloved World by Sonja Sotomayor

Burial Rites by Hannah Kent

Cutting For Stone by Abraham Vergese

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Tulips for Augusta by Sandra Dallas

A Praying Life by Paul Miller

Power of One by Bryce Courtenay

Lyndon Johnson: The Passage of Power (series of 4 books) Bryan Clemons

Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience.  Tap into being in a creative state. Dea D

Under the Wide and Starry Sky by Nancy Horan.  Jean Bartley

Human Action.  Economic treatise by Ludwig Von Mises

Vanona Secrets by Romerstein and Breindel. Soviet Espionage in the US: Breaking Coves.  Frank Juvan

House of Special Purpose by John Boyne

The Godwulf Manuscript by Robert Parker

More Things in Heaven and Earth by Jeff High

Conquest by Hugh Thomas

Mr. Owita’s Guide to Gardening by Carol Wall.  Memoir.

George Washington’s Six Secrets

Killing Kennedy

Undaunted Courage

Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden

The Telling Room by Michael Paterniti

Monuments Men

Sycamore Row by Grisham

Brink my Heart by Patterson

Series of spy novels by Vince Lynn

A Dog’s Purpose and A Dog’s Journey by Cameron

The English Girl by Daniel Silva

A book about the Holocaust by Markus Tusak

Winston Churchill: Defender of the Realm by William Manchester and Paul Reid

David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell

Six Years by Harlan Coben

Eleven Days by Donald Harstad

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot

One for the Money by Janet Evanovich

The Dead in Their Vaulted Arches by Alna Bradley

Methland by Nick Reding

Into the Air by Jon Krakhaer

By the Iowa Sea by Joe Blair

Books by Robert Scott Card

No No Boy by John Okada . Nenu

Railroaded by Richard White. Gary Hammond

On Hitler’s Mountain by Irmagaard Hunt

Flyboys by James Bradley. John Ochenfeld

Redeployment by Cray

Cannibal Queen by Stephen Coonts